Privacy Policy


In Vivo Communications (Asia) Pte Limited (In Vivo), respects your privacy. We explain below what personal information may be collected by In Vivo, how that information is used and how we protect your information and your rights in relation to information held by us.

What personal information does In Vivo collect?

As a business, In Vivo’s focus is on the delivery of medical education products and services to healthcare professionals. To carry out this role, In Vivo may collect a variety of personal information which includes (without limitation) personal information of:

  • Health care professional’s and/or pharmaceutical executives details collected in the course of face-to-face and online education, responding to product queries, providing product-related information and marketing services, conducting market research, conducting clinical research or participation in In Vivo managed events such as conferences and seminars.

Sensitive Personal information

In Vivo only collects and processes “sensitive” personal information with either explicit consent or where we are legally required to do so. Sensitive personal information may only be collected to the extent necessary for In Vivo’s business purposes. Sensitive personal information includes, without limitation, de-identified information about a patient’s medical history or health, racial or ethnic origin, inclusive of online responses to educational courses and evaluations.

Collection of information through this website

We may collect information from health care professionals on this website through a registration page or through a part of the site that allows you to contact us. However, we will indicate to you on this site when we collect information from you.

You should be aware that this website is not intended for, or designed to attract individuals under the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is under the age of 18. This website is intended for health care professionals and pharmaceutical executives only.

When you visit our website, our servers will record a range of information on an anonymous basis (although please note that if you have broadband, it is sometimes possible that your Internet Protocol address may contain information that could be deemed identifiable). The information our servers record includes your Internet Protocol address, Internet service provider, domain name, date and time of visit, search items entered, previous site visited, pages visited on our site, browser type and operating system type. This information is used to help identify what parts of the website are accessed most frequently and how we can create a better service for users.

As with many other website operators, In Vivo may use standard technology called “Cookies”. Cookies are small files that are transferred to your computer when you visit a website and help provide additional functionality when you re-visit that site. Most modern browsers are enabled to accept cookies, but you may set your browser to refuse cookies. However, certain areas of the website may not function properly if you do so.

Do you have to provide your personal information to In Vivo?

Submitting personal information to us is voluntary but failure to do so may mean that In Vivo is unable to provide products/services to you.

How does In Vivo use personal information?

The personal information you provide to In Vivo will only be used for the purpose for which it is collected. Limited exceptions include where use/disclosure is required by law, where you have expressly consented to In Vivo‘s intended use, or where use/disclosure is permitted by applicable privacy law.

Unless otherwise stated, In Vivo may also use your personal information to provide you with information that we believe may be of interest to you.

In Vivo may share personal information with its group companies and with selected third party service providers, who may be located outside Singapore. However, any disclosure to such parties will only be to the extent necessary to fulfil a business purpose and In Vivo will ensure that any organisation outside of In Vivo who receives personal information complies with applicable privacy law and protects that information to at least the same standard as In Vivo.

How does In Vivo protect personal information?

Your personal information will be stored securely and in strictest confidence. All reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures will be taken to protect personal information from loss, theft, unauthorised use or modification.

Any areas of this website that may collect your personal information use industry standard SSL encryption, however, to take advantage of this your browser must support encryption protection.

In Vivo utilises an independent website hosting centre, which places your information in databases that are protected by security firewalls and intrusion detection software, and has security precautions that provide for industry standard protection of your information.

Your rights in relation to personal information In Vivo holds about you

You are entitled to request access, correction or deletion of information held by us about you by contacting our offices via telephone on Australia +61 2 8310 8067, or Asia +65 6340 1908.

Privacy on other websites linked to this site

The website may contain hyperlinks to other websites. This privacy statement does not apply to those sites. In Vivo is not responsible for the privacy practices of other website operators and suggests that before providing any personal information to such linked websites you examine their privacy policies.

Currency of this privacy statement

We may update this privacy statement from time to time and will make any new version(s) available to you on this site.

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