Competency – applying your knowledge


This option is best for those who are familiar with the Medical Education process but want to improve their competency in creating needs assessments, writing learning objectives, measuring activity outcomes, and selecting activity formats best suited to the learning objectives. We recommend this option for those who have the in-house knowledge and experience in running medical education activities but need materials and effective structure in training their teams.


This option includes the full video from “Knowledge – back to basics”, plus three detailed workshop slide decks and insights directly from the MedEdPrep team. Not only this, you will benefit from a 60-minute group coaching session with Lisa Sullivan PER workshop to feedback on the activities included in the slide decks.

You will receive:

  • The full “Knowledge – back to basics” video
  • Three self-study workshop slide decks which include workshop activities to apply learnings
  • Three 60-minute live feedback sessions with Lisa Sullivan (max 10 participants)
  • A certificate of completion (shared with up to 10 participants upon completion of all sessions)

The contents of each of the three workshops are outlined below.

Workshop 1: Needs Assessments and Needs Analysis – the what the why?

What will I learn in this workshop?

  • The definition of and reasons for conducting a needs assessment
  • A simple process for conducting an effective needs assessment
  • How to develop a learner survey based on your identified gaps
  • How to explain the needs and gaps identified during the workshop

Workshop activity:

Conducting a mini-needs assessment to identify gaps in your chosen area of interest


Workshop 2: Step-by-step guide to writing effective learning objectives and evaluating outcomes

What will I learn in this workshop?

  • How to write measurable learning objectives based on identified needs and gaps
  • The purpose of pre- and post-assessments and follow-up surveys in educational programmes
  • How to develop questions for pre- and post-assessments and follow-up surveys that align with the learning objectives

Workshop activity:

Writing measurable learning objectives and developing assessment questions to align with these.

Workshop 3: Bringing everything together: planning your next activity

What will I learn in this workshop?

  • The basic principles of adult learning
  • What is blended learning
  • The various options available regarding activity formats
  • How to select the appropriate activity formats to address identified gaps and learning needs

Workshop activity:

Planning a real activity, including which activity type(s) would be most suited to your programme


This option is a mix of self-learning, external feedback, and hands-on activities. You/ your team must be prepared to spend a couple of hours to dedicate to completing the workshop activities in the slide decks to get the most from this option.

Find out more about Lisa and her expertise here.

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