Terms & Conditions

This website is operated by In Vivo Communications (Asia) Pte Limited, GST Reg. No. 1998 02821 W of 192 Waterloo Street, #04-07B Skyline Building Singapore 187966 (In Vivo).

In these terms and conditions, the expressions we, us and our are a reference to In Vivo and a reference to website includes all of the pages, databases, cookies and software that are part of the website.

If you use this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions listed below and any other laws or regulations which apply to this website.  If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must immediately cease using this website. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately upon publication on this website. Your continued use of this website following such publication will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the terms and conditions as amended.

Intellectual property rights statement

You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in connection with this website, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights in any design, text, graphics, logos, registered and unregistered trademarks, icons, sound recordings, cinematograph films and all software in connection with this website belong to or are licensed to us. These intellectual property rights are protected by Singapore and international laws and nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to give you any intellectual property rights in any part of this website.

You must not copy, adapt, reproduce (other than for the purpose of viewing the website in your browser), store, modify, distribute, print, upload, display, perform, or remove any credits from, any part of the website (including any material displayed on the website, such as trademarks, logos or text) unless we give you permission in writing.

Unless we give you our permission in writing beforehand, you must not publish, post, frame within another website or create derivative works from any part of this website. If particular material on the website is owned by a third party, you must not do any of the above without permission from the owner of the intellectual property rights in that material.

Links contained on this website

This website may contain links to other websites. The links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with linked websites.

We do not recommend, sponsor, endorse or approve of any third party’s opinions or advice contained in the information made available on this website or any linked website or any third party’s products or services advertised on this website or any linked website.

Secure data

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be totally secure. We cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us.  Accordingly, any information that you transmit to this website is transmitted at your own risk. If you become aware of any problems with the security of this website, please contact us immediately.


You must not:

  1. disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise abuse, this website, or any services, system resources, accounts, servers or networks connected to or accessible through this website or associated websites;
  2. upload, post or otherwise transmit through this website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files; or
  3. attempt to obtain unauthorised access to this website or portions of this website that are restricted from general access.


We do not assume any common law duty of care towards you in connection with the website.

You must ensure that your access to this website is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you.

We do not make any representations in relation to the accuracy, currency, adequacy or completeness of the information contained in this website, nor do we undertake to keep this website updated. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any of the information on this website without first satisfying yourself as to the accuracy, currency, adequacy and completeness of all such information. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge that we have not verified information provided to us by third parties that is made available on this website.

We do not accept responsibility for loss suffered as a result of reliance by you on the accuracy, currency, adequacy or completeness of information contained on this website, or any loss you suffer in connection with an inability to access the website.

Without limiting the above, in no circumstances will we or our affiliates be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you in connection with the website, including without limitation any consequential loss, or any special or indirect loss, incidental loss, loss of profits, loss in connection with third party claims, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation or loss of profits.

You must take your own precautions to ensure that your access to this website does not expose you to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code, or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer system. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your own computer system which arises in connection with your use of this website or any linked website.

Access to the website

Your access to this website or the information contained in this website may be interrupted from time to time.

Your access to this website may be terminated by us at any time without notice. These terms and conditions will continue to apply following any such termination.

Governing law and jurisdiction

Any dispute between you and us will be determined under the laws of Singapore and by the courts of Singapore.

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